Training Programs
IBM client training will be hosted at our DEC Computer Training Lab. Nationwide Training Alliance has selected CBIL DEC lab as their St. Louis based training site.
In 2000, U.S. businesses spent an estimated $51 billion to improve the skills of their personnel.
Team Development
Team Leadership™ - AchieveGlobal
Is your organization getting the most from its teams?
If not, try leadership practices that boost team performance!
Each bulleted module is approximately 4 hours in length
- The Challenge of Team Leadership: Participants examine the reasons organizations are moving toward teams and the special challenges this shift poses. They analyze the forces moving them toward teams in their organization and discover how their own approach to leadership must evolve as a result. With this analysis, leaders develop a personal plan to reshape their roles for more effective results.
- Building a Foundation of Trust: Participants learn what to say and do to elicit the best efforts from team members in a world of fast-changing markets, frequent organization upheaval and increasing employee diversity. They explore how The Basic Principles can help them create the sense of trust teams need to be creative, take risks and try new approaches at each stage in the team’s development.
- Launching and Refueling Your Team: Tools and Techniques: Participants explore the special care and feeding all teams need at various times throughout their existence. The 14 tools and techniques leaders can use to get their teams started and keep them on track include topics such as preparing a mission statement, setting goals, evaluating progress, learning from mistakes, celebrating success and disbanding a team.
- Expanding Your Team’s Capabilities: Participants learn the necessity of empowering teams to handle tasks and responsibilities once reserved for supervisors and managers. They master the skills needed to decide when teams are ready to take on management or supervisory tasks, prepare teams for their new tasks, and develop a context for team ownership and flawless execution. They also explore ways to “step back in” when necessary.
- Helping Your Team Reach Consensus: Participants explore when and how to use consensus as a decision-making method. They practice guiding a team through the consensus process to reach agreement and gain commitment.
- Making the Most of Team Differences: Participants learn how different people’s approaches can lead to conflicts that impede team progress. They learn how different points of view can improve the quality and effectiveness of teamwork and develop the skills to acknowledge differences openly and positively to make the team more productive.
- Forward Thinking: Participants learn to create a viable, adaptable organization through awareness activities and skill-building exercises. A key focus is on helping teams anticipate changes and gain a broader view of factors affecting the business in an environment where learning faster than the competition is critical.
Program Specifications
Managers, supervisors and team leaders
Individual module lengths vary; however, most can be delivered in 4 hours
Practical skill application, small-group exercises, real-life examples, videos
AchieveNET partner
Class size
9 to 15 participants
Call CBIL at 314.539.5310 to schedule your training needs or e-mail us at